Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Site... Sorta.

I haven't forgotten about promising to update you all on those house projects! With our upcoming three day weekend, I am hoping to post some things then! So, check back then! In the meantime, I wanted to share what else has been occupying time - aside from our lovely house and being back at school (as both a student and a teacher.)

I am anticipating to graduate in December 2013! Just over 100 days away, but who is counting?! Anyway, my major project is portfolio development. Although it is very much a work in progress, this is what I'm working on right now.

Hope you all enjoy your extended weekend, if you're able to get Monday off! I'm looking forward to relaxing, planning ahead, house projects, apple picking, and a night out with friends.

Stay tuned for those updates.....

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Still Here!

I'm sad to say that I have seemed to neglected any updates lately on here! It is something that I enjoy doing, and sharing with you all! However, with school starting back up (both teaching it and being a student), some things have temporarily taken a back seat. Although I do not hold myself accountable for X amount of posts per week, or month, I do love updating this! It's nice for others to see what we've been up to, and (to be truthful) show off our hard work.

The projects have continued, though! Here's what I'm looking forward to sharing soon....

  1. backyard updates
  2. front door / stoop paint
  3. guest bedroom update
  4. gardening this year

Hope you all are enjoying the final weeks of summer, as we switch into Fall! It's going to be HOT here this week - got to love the unpredictable Midwest. I'm anxious for sweaters, boots, and pumpkins. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?


Monday, August 5, 2013

Outside Surprise

So, as it is apparent in many house projects, some are planned and some are more of a spur of the moment thing. This one is a mix of both. 

This summer and spring, we focused outdoors on the front yard and decided to wait until next year to tackle the back yard. But, things change, and we decided to do one thing.... Which turned into 5 things!

I'll post before / after pics soon, but until then, here's a tease.... 
