Our Sweetness Needs-Lots-of-Love
The most satisfying thing about looking through my hundreds of pins on Pinterest on my board entitled "Home" or looking at blogs regarding home decoration and projects is the opportunity to do it. I can do that in our house.
My friend,
Michelle, recently recommended a blog to me. She said that I'd probably fall instantly in love with it since it was a young couple's adventures into DIY house renovations. And, sure enough - I did. After scrolling through their recent posts, I was hooked. Instantly. It immediately made it onto my
Bloglovin' account. (Which, if you don't have one, you must check it out!)
Yesterday's post on their blog was titled "Here's The Thing...."
Spoiler alert!! If you don't want to know any more than the title, keep on scrolling! Otherwise, in this post they essentially explained their reasoning for purchasing a new "sweetness needs-lots-of-love home." As you read the post, you can hear their excitement in this new adventure. Being a new reader to this blog, I was excited for them, too. But, there was something more that caught my attention.
They talked about a dream neighborhood that they had both fallen in love with when they originally moved to that area. The area was described as an "awesome old area with nice big wooded lots, great schools, charming tree-lined streets, and kids on scooters." They discussed the drives through the neighborhood that they would do. The open houses. The tours of two homes in the area that didn't lead to anything exciting. I found myself reading
my thoughts of our home.
Although we are not natives of the area where we bought our house, we knew that when we did settle down and purchase a house, there were a few must haves on our list. Mature trees that line streets, great school district, family friendly area, convenience of location, minimum 3 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms, and a house that needed lots of love. OH! And, in our price range. Wishful thinking for first time home buyers. With the way things began to play out where we currently live - both being offered full time jobs that were hard to beat - we knew that it was time to settle down. We were anxious for a house! No more "Carpet Land" as my Mom affectionally called our apartments. We had been casually looking for months - going to open houses, searching on Zillow, driving through potential areas, and so on. But, one neighborhood kept catching our eye. It was the area that could be described as an an "awesome old area with nice big wooded lots, great schools, charming tree-lined streets, and kids on scooters."
We found ourselves at an open house in the neighborhood. I recall finding it on a realtor website and telling Z, "We have to go check
this one out!"The moment we walked into this house, I knew it was our home. The lack luster of curb appeal, the attempted upgrades, the awesome layout, the potential.... pulled at my heart strings from the first minute.
I won't
bore confuse you with the details of how we put an offer on the house, and it was accepted, but then it wasn't, and the only reason we truly believe we are in our house is because of our amazing realtor.
And, here we are. In
our "sweetness needs-lots-of-love home." I can't wait to continue to share the repairs, upgrades, putting our own style on things, and disasters that take place in this journey of our home.
- E